

In accordance with Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and the Italian Legislative Decree No. 24 of March 10, 2023, every staff member, collaborator, volunteer, partner, consultant, contractor, or any other person associated with Un Ponte Per may report, even anonymously through a dedicated platform, unlawful practices, fraud, abuse, or violations that endanger the interests of the communities supported by Un Ponte Per or the organization itself.



Whistleblowing is a term that refers to the act of reporting unlawful behavior within an organization. This means that if a staff member or volunteer of UPP believes that there are illegal practices in the organization's workplace, they can report it by following the correct processes outlined in the dedicated Policy, and their rights will be fully protected.

Unlawful practices/violations refer to behaviors, acts, or omissions related to violations within the dedicated Policy of which the whistleblower becomes aware in a work context. This includes all offenses of an administrative, accounting, civil, or criminal nature.



Great attention is given to the obligation of confidentiality regarding the identity of the whistleblower, which cannot be disclosed, without their explicit consent, to anyone who is not part of the authorized personnel responsible for receiving or following up on the reports.

Confidentiality is ensured for the identity of the whistleblower, the reported parties, and other individuals involved or mentioned in the report, as well as the content of the report and the related documentation, in connection with the internal and external reporting channels.



Reports will be forwarded exclusively to the Supervisory Body (OdV). The OdV may seek support from the staff and the board of directors (National Committee) if deemed useful and appropriate. Reports can be made in writing or orally (recording) via the following platform accessible at this address: https://segnalazioni.unponteper.eu/#/.

Information in the form can be entered anonymously, is encrypted, and accessible only to the OdV. The whistleblower will receive confirmation of receipt of the report within seven days and will be informed about the handling of the report. Feedback on the outcome of the report will be provided to the whistleblower within three months from the date of receipt.



Reports may concern, based on the whistleblower’s reasonable belief, violations of national or European Union regulations concerning:

- Unlawful conduct under Legislative Decree 231/2001 or violations of the organizational and management models provided for by that decree.

- Offenses in specific sectors such as public procurement, financial markets, anti-money laundering, transport and product safety, environmental protection, food safety, public health, consumer protection, privacy, and cybersecurity.

- Acts that harm the financial interests of the European Union under Article 325 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.

- Violations of the EU internal market, including competition, state aid, and tax rules that impede the objectives of corporate tax legislation.

- Behaviors that undermine the purposes of EU provisions in the above sectors.

For more details, please refer to the dedicated Policy. Un Ponte Per has a series of regulations and procedures that cover issues such as fraud and corruption, violations of the Code of Ethics, sexual abuse, anti-terrorism, and complaints, hence we recommend to refer to these documents when considering submitting a complaint that falls within those fields.